Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its finally time.... The move is done

My friend is finally moved..

     Yesterday was the day we finally helped my friend move.. He was all packed, moved, and everything in his home for two years is now in storage. It seems such a small little pile for an apartment with so many memories.. of course the couch bed, and other furniture are not included in the pic.. It was a long day, so long in fact that all I did today was sleep.. I actually woke three times, once for breakfast, lunch, and a early dinner and just now am waking up. I am again heading to fetch mail, wash my car, and then back home to the gym to workout.. Its only Tuesday and its already a long week. and this coming weekend is big in Miami so I have to gear up and prepare for the last big weekend of the season in Miami, the annual Winter Party Festival.. Next year I have to see about a sponsorship.

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