Saturday, January 19, 2013

dear husband.

{source + free print = vintage sunshine

dear husband,

I love you so. If I haven't told you already you are one really terrific and amazing dad. I didn't really have much of a dad and the one I did have.well, you know the with that said I get such a joy watching you with our babies.You are truly a blessing and an awesome man of god. You work a job I know that you are blessed to have, but don't really love...because take care of all of us with that one job. You worked extra, because you know that last minute your oldest daughter changed her mind and really wanted that doll for her birthday /// so you made it happen. You make sacrifices and go with out so that I can be home with our kids. You cook (need I say more?) .You play wipeout "just one more time?" with jude even though you are tired. You very conveniently never take the stroller and just happen to spend all day walking around just holding Lyla. :)  You carry sleeping kids to bed, fix toys, change batteries, and take care of all forms of manual labor around the house. You spend hours building a snow fort that tweedle dum and tweedle dee spend a total of 10 minutes in. (the same applies to indoor forts.) And the best part? You never complain or ask for anything in return. You, sir, are awesome and I just thought you should know that. 

love and kisses,
your wife

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