Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Comfort of Food....

I am all about comfort food. All about it.
Sometimes too much.

Sometimes a particular food seems so right though.....

steaming hot chocolate in a book-filled cafe while the window steam up

homemade ice cream with fresh strawberries on a summer's day

porridge with cinnamon raisins apple on a winter morning

a plate of toast....thick doorstops of bread with delicious French butter 
(very good for children who are home sick)

milk & warm cookies when you get home from school

soup & warm chunky fresh bread after a long bracing winter walk

sticky toffee pudding
(not sure if this one requires a particular event or occasion, it's always good)

Comfort food 

Food that comforts....makes you feel better....warms you....
Food that engenders or provokes feelings of happiness, wellbeing and nostalgia.

"Comfort foods may be consumed to positively pique emotions, to relieve negative psychological effects....
to increase positive feelings."

As the aromas of fresh bread and coffee make most of us feel warm, happy & hungry....
certain foods have the same effect.

My Italian mother in law always made a minestra (italian soup) when her children were unwell & it's still the dish that my husband cooks on the rare occasions he gets a cold or feels extra tired.

Comfort food   

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