Sunday, January 20, 2013

Winter Wonderland in London

We were promised and lots of it....and finally it arrived!
It's started snowing on Friday & today it's been snowing all day long, it's absolutely beautiful.

We planned to head over to north London's highest hill, Primrose Hill, for some sledging but the roads were too tricky.

So my children are outside making the most of the snow....
I'm baking bread & preparing hot chocolate. 
Let it snow!! 

Just as an aside, I read a wonderful piece of writing earlier today on an issue which I am sure that may be experienced by some & familiar to many....depression.
It was so well written as well as being courageous, honest & wise.
Please go & read it, I felt it was so worth can find it here

Thank you to everyone who left such wonderful & brilliant comments after I wrote my "This Parenting Gig...." piece last week, I so appreciate all the wisdom, thoughts & support that was offered. 

(all photos via London Daily Mail & the BBC website)

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