Thursday, January 17, 2013

she. // birthday girl.

she is one year older. she is 6.  she loves jesus.  she loves gum and staying up late. she loves to build snowman, and would swim all day long if you let her. she started school this year, and lost her two front teeth. she is a free spirit. she spins and she sways to whatever song plays. she carries all her joy and sadness in her eyes. she loves snacks. she loves princesses and "bun-bun". she is kind. she is a great sister. she doesn't like potatoes in any shape or form, including french fries. she loves to draw, and color, and paint, and sing. she is our "princerella". she has rosy cheeks. she is a red head. she is my buddy and daddy's sweetheart. she perfectly happy staying in her pj's all day long. she almost never gets called elisabeth by jude only "sissy". she is a champion snuggler. she loves movies and the color pink.

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